
The Gamefolio System 2.0

Created by Init Gear

The Gamefolio System 2.0 is an adaptable, intelligent, purpose-built system of bags, cases, and accessories for gaming enthusiasts. Our solutions work with tabletop games, board games, card games, miniatures games, dice games, RPG, and more! Our gear is perfect for gaming on the go and will take your gaming experience to a whole new level! Our products feature a lifetime guarantee, durable, highly water-resistant fabric, protective, impact resistant foam padding, high-quality metal hardware, self-healing zippers, seat belt grade handles and shoulder straps, and a variety of pockets, pouches, compartments, and configurations to take care of your gaming gear like a boss. Our 1.0 system was a huge success on Kickstarter in 2016 and we are excited to share with you the next step in our evolution, The Gamefolio System 2.0. Pledge now to help us bring this project to life!